firefly,arlo,disney,pixar,dinosaur,spot,dino,the good dinosaur,good dino

firefly,arlo,disney,pixar,dinosaur,spot,dino,the good dinosaur,good dino

firefly,witchcraft,alan tudyk,hoban washburne,fave fave fave,firefly char quotes,a motherfucking leaf on the wind though,ugh i love him so much its not even acceptable anymore

firefly,witchcraft,alan tudyk,hoban washburne,fave fave fave,firefly char quotes,a motherfucking leaf on the wind though,ugh i love him so much its not even acceptable anymore

firefly,witchcraft,alan tudyk,hoban washburne,fave fave fave,firefly char quotes,a motherfucking leaf on the wind though,ugh i love him so much its not even acceptable anymore

firefly,witchcraft,alan tudyk,hoban washburne,fave fave fave,firefly char quotes,a motherfucking leaf on the wind though,ugh i love him so much its not even acceptable anymore

firefly,jayne cobb,adam baldwin,this is it,jayne,well not replacement per se,this is the replacement spn,but its the new thing

firefly,jayne cobb,adam baldwin,this is it,jayne,well not replacement per se,this is the replacement spn,but its the new thing

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